[Review] My First First Love Episode 1 - 8 (Season One)

Here comes the classic Neflix cliffhanger: Who do you choose?

I absolutely hate that I've fallen for the same trick twice. Clearly there is going to be a season two, so why bother and make myself miserable with just a season one. WHY.

Dohyun just reminds me of someone (haha), and he's pretty 闷骚 and not-your-usual-confident-kdrama-type-of-guy. But I appreciate that Song-yi takes the first step to crack this nut open, otherwise we're not going to experience any oolala romance from the duo before Tae-oh finally steps in to join the game.

Just struck grouchy guy what makes him grouchy now. Ouch.

PS: OH SEASON TWO IS OUT! Let's see how the table is going to turn~


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