[Review] Put Your Head On My Shoulder 致我们暖暖的小时光 Episode 1 - 24 (End)

Aww. That's it, I finally mustered all my courage to wrap it up.

Pffffft. Money can indeed lit a heart on fire. I can't stop musing at Momo for being incredibly practical when it comes to financial dependency - looks like Gu Wei Yi is the right blue stock to cling onto. LOL. *cue his face bwahahahahahaa.

This show has been an enjoyable ride for me, I love how the story line pans out and how every character can sizzle with charms and chemistry with one another, whilst displaying ultra dorkiness for us to laugh at. Gu Wei Yi could be the most frustrating person if you were to meet in real life, but hey, let's not discount the fact that he is one sweet block you'll give anything to have (whether in person or in dramas). Till the end he is still that passionate physic maniac, but we do know our endearing scientist has grown up ever since he'd absorbed who the four heavenly kings are (though we know very well he'll rather them be the four greatest physicists in history).

Now, let's put this not on the shoulder but all the way down, and move on to other dramas! Goodbye, you've been nice to me throughout my whole radar course!


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