[Review] My ID Is Gangnam Beauty Episode 13 - 16 (End)

AWW. Can I rewind and not end this?

After trudging through many hurdles it looks like our Do-Rae couple are in for happiness forever. The finale is quick to summarise every character's outcome - good or bad - but I'm glad Soo-ah has found a closure to her unfathomable obsession over beauty and freed herself for a new leash of life. First step is always the hardest, but when taken, you'll find a whole new world opening up to you.

It was a complex feeling watching Mirae, especially when I later learnt that the actress has done plastic surgeries to herself (sorry, I can't differentiate duh). It must have been extremely relatable during filming, having to come across certain struggles and remarks depicted in the drama personally, except that it is in and out of her life. Of course, there's many Miraes out there subject to the whole world's judgement, and while we're envious of that perfect high nosebridge or sleek V-line face shape, how many times do we stop to think about the pain they were willing to go through, and reason that pushed them to this decision? Humans are born to love asthetically pleasing objects, and I don't see why we should stop to pursue it if the skill or technology permits. Two sides to a flip coin, and it's all about the gives and takes. What price are you willing to pay, and what risk are you willing to take?

At least they have the courage to go under the knife, so let's give it to them and quit criticising.

I love this drama for the way it addresses the beauty ideals of today's, and strives to break down the socially constructed notion of beauty. There are more meaningful things other than squabbling over who's the prettier one, so why not learn to find value in yourself and chase after things that can make you happy? Well, if there's a Do Kyung Seok to accompany me I'm more than willing to accept the I'm-Taken name tag too. Hah. This hilarious love bloke.


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