[Review] 烈火如歌 The Flame's Daughter Episode 1 - 52 (End)

After a long hiatus I reckoned that it's basic courtesy to update a little of my... drama progress. Hah.

Definitely not an easy feat. I mean, look at the length, I actually survived through this ordeal.

It was a highly anticipated drama for me given the cast, and I have absolutely no reason why it should be skipped. So the first ten plus episodes were a whopping blast for me as we cuddled through the lovely camaraderie of the youngsters (well, let's be nice and include the Hundred-Year-Old Yin Xue), until our dear old Yin Xue died in the fifteen episode.

Whuuu...uut? Gotta be kidding me.

So I'm not going to be stupid and buy this tale, especially if he's the main lead, and indeed he does return, in probably... the thirtieth episode? That's cruelly long, gah.

In the absence of Yin Xue our focus shifted to the seventh prince, who happens to be the second discipline of Lie Huo Villa, aka Ru Ge's second senior. His mobility may be impaired, but his platonic love for Ru Ge is so flawlessly perfect I think everybody should step aside and kowtow to his greatness. It was never easy to resist a desire that was longed since, he had the chance to gain an able body and a lover of his dream, but he did not. He chose to uphold his righteous belief and fight for injustice, he chose to suffer for his love and sacrifice for the greater good; and for his purest and most tender heart, the wittiest brain and utmost gentleness, I love Yu Zi Han the best out of the entire drama. He deserves all these respect.

Speaking of which, I was greatly reminded of Feng Huang, the courageous heroine who wins my heart through and through. Her character arc was amazing, she grew from a nobody to a tough warrior we greatly admire. Strong on her faith, faithful to her beliefs, and loyal to the person she has chosen. I couldn't think of a better term to describe this girl.

This drama swept us hard with its strong character trajectories and distinctive traits of every character, but weakens on the plot accountability and the impact of outcome. I literally rolled my eyes when the 武功蓋世Shifu died easily with a sharp jab (derrr), and the 武功蓋世 Anye Luo simply flipped and died after inducing so much fear for fifty episodes. Look at Zhan Feng! He somehow doesn't die! I'm kind of suspecting I could roll a bulldozer over him and he's gonna still be standing strong.

All in all (trying to be objective here), it's okay and I think unless you like the cast, you can give it a shot or a miss.


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