[Review] 双世宠妃 The Eternal Love Episode 1 - 24 (End)

Viewer discretion advised. I'm a big fat liar if I say I didn't watch this because of 月七.

This show is so sugary all your 脑洞 will be opened (don't say I didn't pre-warn), amid the squeals please expect some eyes to roll because the props are too modern/fake to fully indulge in this historic setting. Then again it's not fully period-themed, I almost died at the omnidirections of  time/dimension leaps, royalty dispute to immortal space battle, magical flute, deity powers, and resurrection. You know what? I DON'T CARE because 月七 is here.

Enjoy the first twenty episodes, make do with the last four, and you're officially 月七-rated.


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