[New Drama] My Secret Romance Episode 1 - 8

My best remedy to all troubles, especially when we're up for a quirky and honey-coated one.

I was blasted off my feet the first episode, not having an expectation of a passionate one night stand to end off the premiere, then it fast forwarded to three years later. Wooah. This is going too fast, you're serious?

Then fate plays with the duo by reuniting them in his company, with him being her superior. We know what's next, don't we, the cliche part on how he intends to draw his revenge on her for escaping and making him look bad on it, blah blah blah. All kinds of petty but cute revenges, which ironically, only pull them closer. WHEE-HEE. Confessions and kisses.

And I'm not kidding about the kisses. Remember Sung Joon in I Need Romance 3? That's the standard. Could anyone tell me if this is indeed a 15+ drama, because it doesn't seem so. Or maybe I'm too reserved for this modern era, lol.

As far as I'm concerned, not a very complicated plot, the tone is played out well and the cast is da-bombz. I think I will feel for the Second Lead (note: second male lead), who is serving a stark contrast from the current drama I'm watching (note: Fight For My Way). Sadly, we could only say not all childhood friendship stands the chance in the romance game. Script is all it matters.

Off to indulge myself in this sugary drama again~


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