[Review] The Liar And His Lover Episode 16 (End)

When everyone is happy and united once again.

As speculated, the ending sees Crude Play and Mush and Co. standing together to perform on stage, with an unexpected guest Yoona joining in the crowd. Ok, we're on a back-to-high-school note, no one should play villains at all.

I always thought the struggles could be swung further, and it's a pity to see this momentum stop halfway to meet a conclusion. Interestingly, we do not get to see if Crude Play does regain their popularity and fans back, or if Mush and Co does attain success to become a top band, for we know these are not the main concern. Being able to play the music they love and truly enjoying it is all that matters.

Character wise I find Chan Young's most compelling, he rocks the show with intense emotions and most of the time we find ourselves cringing with him through his lowest period, attempting to seek for his identity and stance within the band. It is definitely a comfort to see Chan Young enlightened that he is a part of Crude Play after all.

Bye Show, you're pretty well handled and I'm glad we got to know Lee Seo Won (who played Chan Young) through this. His masculine voice is sexy max.


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