[New Drama] Neighbourhood Hero Episode 1 - 4

This is a Park Shi Hoo drama, but that's not stopping me from plastering Lee Soo Hyuk as my cover photo instead. Look at this dude.

How can I not be smitten by his looks. And that goofy grin. Oxygen tank please.

Back to real business. After the detrimental scandal that rocks Park Shi Hoo's career to ocean bottom for the past few years, the actor makes a low profile comeback with Neighbourhood Hero, though it sadly remains not well received by the public. As an objective viewer (and Lee Soo Hyuk bias) I gave it an impartial go, and I'm still sticking with it after four episodes. Fairly interesting, besides having a classic wounded hero setup we are getting a mix of characters gathering together in a commonplace, ready to form an avenger alliance to strike back at the Big Villain Empire. We're still working to recruit members for the revenge game, and I can't wait for Shi Yoon to train up his new disciple and make him his right hand man or shadow, whichever you call it.


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