Ooooh-tober: Eric Chou Concert In Singapore

I hardly realised October is inching to an end, life's hella crazy and things seem to bobble between I'm Okay and I'm Absolutely Not Okay. Gatherings proceed as usual, training maintain its usual toughness and ego gets burst/re-inflated endlessly, the cycle goes on... Many asked, nearing the finishing line? Don't even ask, cos I bear no answer to that.

The most heartening thing would none other be attending my newly found favourite singer's concert a week ago. If you ask me what's good about budding singers, I'd tell you they're fully committed to delivering songs in quality and quantity at an affordable price. Eric was so awesome and solid in live, the venue promised good sound system and I can't be happier than this. Sang along with all the songs and I think he completely rocked my night away. Whee-hee 周興哲!!! Thank you for the night!!! 我是你的小興星!


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