Reply 1988 Episode 16 - 19: Fate Is All About Timing

Choi Taek!!! Deok-seon actually ended up with Choi Taek!!! My speculation was all wrong, but I'm genuinely touched by this outcome nonetheless (or in fact, I'm happier). Jung-pal, sworry~.

So it wasn't a dream after all. Deok-seon accidentally let slip that Taek did kiss her that night, which serves as the last trigger for Taek's emotions to finally erupt as he lunges forward for a real kiss. Swoons. Fate is not only about timing, but also the courage to put a foot forward first. Particularly why Jung-hwan loses the race, be it in 1989 or 1994. He's always one step later than Taek, sadly.

But I'm glad Jung-hwan manages to make his love known (despite in a heartbreaking manner) before he bids farewell to his first love. It may be a painful lesson for him, but what's youth without grief and regrets? They'll accumulate to become vital ingredient for him later, to mature stronger and more courageously as a person.

Now that we're left with one more episode, I simply cannot figure out how the show is going to change any couple (note*: Sunwoo and Bora). I think I cannot swallow it if they're swopping Taek for Jung-hwan at the finale, but chances are slim, isn't it? At least I choose to believe it.


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