[New Drama] Reply 1988 Episode 1 - 15

Chide me all you want but yes, this' not entirely new and yes, I'm still on my odyssey to completing this series (which involves painfully long airing time per episode). Have no choice but to spread the episodes out to watch slowly, which explains why I'm still at episode fifteen despite starting this long time ago. Anyways, what's new?

Taek finally discovers that he's not the only person holding a torch for Deok-seon. Just across the room, love is glinting in another man's eyes. And eyes, can't tell lies.

Uh-oh. Regardless of how much I love Taek, my drama radar tells me that Taek is taking on a losing battle. Experience screams that Jung Hwan will emerge as the victor, since he has no better attributes to compete in this fight already. Oh man, I just hope that my guess is wrong, because I can't stand to see the pillar Taek's leaning onto so dependently collapse on him.


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