Cheer Up! Episode 5 - 7

Huh, a love line between Yeon Doo and Ha Joon? WHY?!!! Can't we not turn the love triangle into rectangular please?

Dong Jae would've been one rival easier to deal with, but when the best buddy decides to stick his foot in and participate too, it's no laughing matter. Especially when it's not the first day we learnt how close the boys are, and when both fall for the same girl, one is bound to retreat severely wounded. Needless to say who's the one, but it's pretty sad to see Ha Joon's not getting any love after all. He probably needs a pet.

For now Dong Jae is drifting so faraway I can't really see him on screen lately, I know it's the bonding session between Kim Yeol/Ha Joon with Yeon Doo but let's not forget about him alright? This guy has some serious issue to be attended to quickly. *pointing to his trauma*

Then again, I'm in Kim Yeol's base. Hah.


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