Love Cuisine 料理高校生 Episode 20

So much love and feels that I can't stop now. It is the wisest decision to add Qi Pa Zhen and Chris into the show, because not only do we get to see the most adorable interaction between Maizi and Qi Zhen, we have also witnessed Oscar and Chris joining the world's best bromance line, to the point I am secretly wishing Chris to be the female lead instead.

My suspicion of Chris' impaired taste was confirmed in this episode ( like nooooooo!), and just when I was gloomy over his plight, Sichuan pepper saves his taste. LOL. But I do admit I was greatly touched by that particular scene, which was exploding with brotherly affection. They probably couldn't live without each other in the cuisine world, it's like missing out a soulmate in your life. So cheers! Carry on creating dishes of happiness!

Oh wait, two more episodes left? Sad...


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