How Have I Been

Recently found it hard to talk or goof around with people because my mind is just so preoccupied with things that've been weighing me down and making me pretty unsettled for this past month. As of now, silence is my best pal and I think it's absolutely necessary for me to stay in this solitude until my problems are sorted out, one by one.

Sometimes I do wonder how would it'd be like if I'd wanted simpler things. Would I be contented enough, or would I be asking for more, like how I am now? I took steps thinking I'm nearing to my dreams, then to my horror I realised I'm actually drifting further and further away from them. Then again, a question pops up in my mind one fine day, which horrifies me even more. What exactly, is my dream?

It feels like I'm wasting every single day, working round the clock aimlessly and chasing after things I don't even know if I really care about them at all. But when I whirl around and ask myself what then, do I want, I'm bummed. For all I know, if I'm not satisfied with the current status quo, I've to work doubly hard to make sure something is done to change this mess. I do not know how for now, but I hope I can find my answer quick, cos' this is really killing me.


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