[Review] The Four 少年四大名捕 Episode 43 - 48 (End)

HAHAHAH seriously, what's with this ending! I needed to double back and check whether my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Apparently, the show was evil to pair everyone up but Wu Qing, and evil enough to ascertain his forever-alone status by plastering the blissful faces across the final scene. LOL. Thorough enough, hands down. 

Plot wise I find it wishy washy, most of the time we're circling on a same issue without any advancement, worse still, I have to hear them repeat the same lines for a goodness me 100 times. Wouldn't say that this is a fabulous show, nonetheless it keeps me pretty entertained for the week and I need to thank The Four for opening up a route towards Yang Yang wahahahaa. Time for his shows~


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