Moorim School Episode 6 - 8

Every time I come back from overseas I will appreciate so much for the clean air in Singapore. No more dirt and blocked nose!

So while I'm on the plane back from Japan, I switched back to resuming my Moorim School. Ahhhhh imagine seeing this on the plane:

I'm so in love with the drama again. Or let's be more exact, I'm so in love with Lee Hyun Woo now. Wheeeeeee~

The story is being manipulative right now, with the pre-arranged memories retrieval and letting us see what they want to show thus far. It's very obvious they're painting Dean Hwang the villain, but for all we know, the tables will turn in a few episodes later. I'm not really caring much anyway, just give me cute Hyun Woo-ie and I'll be more than happy to continue this moorim ride with you guys. :D


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