Marry Me, Or Not? 必娶女人 Episode 12

Needed some stress relief so I (impulsively) caught an episode of my current favourite show. Gooooossssshhhh I've melted so much I think I will never ever solidify back. WHY SO SWEET??!!! The couple made a trip to Busan and had the loveliest photos taken, HTHT exchanged, and kisses everywhere (literally!). Have a few more trips please!!!

PS: They were filming in Busan last year June, our graduation trip omo!! So near yet so far!!!

It remains a myth to me why this show isn't recommended at all. Like, seriously! Hao Meng's face is the king *HEARTS* Haha talk about more substantial stuff, I love both the character development of Hao Meng and Huan Zhen - they used to not believe in love (or rather, afraid to love), but now that they've given their all, they're pretty much inseparable. Well, look at that matching outfits. Hah. Fight off the (1) evil brothers (2) air-headed sister (3) hysterical mother, and time for the wedding bells!!


Kah Hsing said…
omg ahcheong, i srsly srsly srsly doubt your drama taste. yes i agree haomeng is SUPER HOT. BUT WO DE TIAN, this show is unnecessarily draggy and so ridiculous!!!!!! it's as if the script writer to trying too hard with everything D:

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