
This afternoon I decided to drop by the bank to materialise a plan that's been put off for a year - move my money (that's rotting in dbs) to a fixed deposit account. So dressed in my usual tuition clothing (often referred to the beggar style), I stepped into standard chartered to embark on my great mission...

As soon as my queue number was called, one lady employee (I interpret her as the welcome guest cum counter staff) looked at me, scanned me from head to toe, and decided that this pauper looking student must have business only at the counter, and thus directed me there without asking my intention of visit. But then she paused, and decided that maybe she should ask (Yes dear, you should, yunno. That's the least I'm expecting from you.), and I told her I'm here to invest in your bank. Lol kidding, I said I'm here for the fixed deposit plan, and immediately she changed her tone and welcomed me (with glee in her eyes) to a cubicle where you normally find some smart looking consultant sitting there ready to chomp you down. And this guy was another goo who stared at me in bewilderment, like why on earth are you brought here. Ok can. But there goes the change in attitude as soon as I took my assets out. Talk about materialism.

I'm not very bothered by the earnest these people have to grab new clients (I was thrown with all kinds of lure to join their life savings/insurance after the guy knew I was only 23 but already have the spare cash to do the fixed deposit), but rather, the judgemental attitude they hold towards people walking into the bank. I wasn't expecting the red carpet treatment (like hello, I'm not even a peanut to them), but neither am I expecting a process of blatant judging just because of what I wear (ok that's my pyjamas ) or how I looked. Very often, people ain't what they looked or dressed like. So be fair, be equal, and be polite. Otherwise you will find yourself losing out at the end of day, just because you judge.too.much.

Having said that, this does serve as a strong reminder for self to stay open minded and not let prejudice get in the way. If not, wouldn't it be that I am just another of these bank employees?


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