[Review] That Winter, The Wind Blows Episode 16 (End)

Pass me a club, I'm going to swing it into the show's face.

Half the good time it's been convincing us that Soo's death is sealed - darn solemn that tears keep welling up. Then it tells me he's not. And he is. And no, he's not. WHAT! The feeling of being fooled with. Are you making him die or not, decide!

And there is this issue of, if Soo can use the gambling session to write his debt off, why shouldn't he have done so from the start? Why only now? It makes the whole deception ordeal seem so pointless, I mean, well, even if that's how we can get the love story rolling...

I would have loved if the drama ends at the blurry figure leaving Young-i (Ok my heart says otherwise), which would definitely make it more poignant and bittersweet. We can't have everything in life, and when something is given, something has to be taken. Young-i's eyes are healed, Jinsung and his family are safe, all villains ain't villains afterall... In this case Soo would have been the most suitable person for the trade-off, and I would be least surprised if his sacrifice is used to exchange the happiness of everyone. My two cents worth. 


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