Healer Episode 19

The new F4 is born, whoopieeeeee!

Pwahaha Healer finally gets his (unexpected) chance to meet his ingenious hacker partner, and he just couldn't get his eyes off her - the unkempt hair and outrageously mismatched outfit. So all along he has been sweared at by this eccentric ahjumma huh, hahahahaa. I'm just so amused that she doesn't give a heck to his bummed face anyway, lol.

So Healer hasn't had his wish realised since he's back to being blackmailed and on the run again (I knew it, what's Healer without fist and fights?), and now that Myunghee has left Moonshik's side, it's time for the volcano to erupt for the last time before we find back peace again.

Final episode!! Oh wait, lemme just warn you first, show, stop hurting Junghoo, otherwise I'll pepper spray you. Pssssssssssss


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