[New Drama] Reply 1994 Episode 1 - 6

Someone's out of breath here, pass me the oxygen tank pleasssse. I swear my heart was beating so fast and my neighbours could hear my hysterical laughters next door. Reply 1994, you live up to the Reply Series! :D

Till now the names are unrevealed, and so we could only guess from the subtle hints dropped here and there. I have absolutely no idea who Na-jung is going to end up with - dearly oppa or dorky pitcher, but whoever it is, I think I'll be over the moon. Man, they're rare gems.

Na-jung's farting during the massage literally had me laugh out loud. These are the kind of nonsense I adore when we have romance brewing in between. It gets funnier when the intended-romantic-moments background music was cued back, only to be re-interrupted by another fart of Na-jung's. LOL. Good Game.

Oh, and the moment dearly oppa spoils the manhwa for Na-jung. LOL.


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