[New Drama] Bride of the Century

A strongly recommended drama by a friend (who is in love with hongki, guess who!) and after much procrastination, I finally embarked on the bride journey. Or pretty much, ghost brides lol. Watching in the dark with the ghost appearing right before my nose, such a guts training session.

After four episodes I gathered that Bride has all elements necessary for a cliche - doppelgängers (rooftop prince), kids without moms (too many to name), fake replacement (my girl), the bathroom fall (mischievous kiss), half-blood siblings... First episode was a complete waste of time unless you're referring to the guest appearance of Takashima Reiko, who had a delightful collaboration with hongki on a previous movie. Other than that they could have packed everything into a 15 minute story line, and then quickly jump into the 'contract' love or whatsoever. Testing my patience, I thought I was about to drill a hole in the ground with my stamping foot.

But well, it's hongki nonetheless so of course I'm enjoying a great deal out of it, especially when we see that he's gradually warming up towards Doorim and showing a fun/caring/genuine side of him (ok I know, cliche! but I like hahahah). Very likely he's going to discover that she's a fake soon, but before all are brought to the light, let's enjoy the cute interaction Doorim has for and with him.


Kah Hsing said…
那你真的是够了!!看这么多drama! 同样是YR4可是为什么你有那么多时间做有的没的,我却天天为大大小小的报告忧心忡忡? T_T
Ying Hui said…
I need to destress mah

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