JYJ Concert 2014 Ticket Sale

Ayy, that's it. So demoralizing. I can't even get passed the seat selection page, let alone ponder whether my credit card is accepted for payment. To think I left office earlier today just to contribute in paralyzing the interpark homepage. So much of the returns which never match up with the efforts put in. HAISH.

So after rounds of negotiations with the koreans reselling the tickets (duh, they attempt to con me with price like... 200,000?!) I decide to forsake everything and not go to JYJ concert after all. Oh erm, I mean I will try again for the second window of sale, but if not, suan le, I won't die not seeing them.


這個禮拜莫明地陷入一種憂鬱感,凡事都提不起勁兒來。上班時就希望快點下班,和朋友聊天時都充滿了唉深嘆氣,到底怎麼了。更雪上加霜的是,期盼已久的演唱會門票也沒得到手,就連在釜山的住宿也連連出狀況,真的有讓人跌到谷底的感覺,唉。也就是俗稱的"최약 상대", 要轉移心情應該也很難吧。

我以為一覺醒來會沒事兒,結果今天的感覺更差勁,帶著憂心仲仲的表情和心情出門... 明天會更好?我想並非如此。腦中倒帶著昨晚和許多賣家的對話,個個如吸血殭屍般將門票提升到二百餘元,讓我不由地止住腳步再三提醒自己不能亂來。我常常聲稱自己沒有淪陷,不像其他發狂的歌迷甘願被敲被詐,然而我的所作所為卻違反了我所謂的堅持...我究竟在幹什麼?




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