Documentary: Children Full Of Life

"人之初, 性本善 (Man at birth are fundamentally good)". And you start questioning yourself what you have lost over the years.

A 2003 award-winning documentary "Children Full of Life" follows a grade four home teacher to uncover the true learning process of 35 Japanese elementary students, who eventually form bonds and find trust, respect and friendship in one another. Heartwarming it is, but the underlying message is what makes the documentary well deserving for its title award.

A severe reminder that every child is born with an extremely precious virtue called compassion, ready to be bred and nurtured over the course of living, but often overshadowed and forgotten because we are taught to live for ourselves. How many times have you witnessed a person being bullied, yet you choose to turn a blind eye to it? How willing are you to stand up against authorities for your classmates, knowing it may leave a stain to your graduating testimonial? How much are you willing to put yourself into the shoes of others, meanwhile all prepared to sacrifice yourself? Abashed but yes, I am guilty of all.

What constitutes true learning? If we could have given more thoughts about humanity and let go of some vested interests, we could be changing someone's life in a happier way. It is a simple theory, but strangely complicated enough for all grown ups to achieve.


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