5 Centimeters Per Second, 천천히...

Reality starts to sink in... That I'm back from fantasy land. Sometimes I would wonder if I'd prefer life in Korea, now that I'm back and have to shoulder responsibilities again. I had forgotten how tough it was for everyone, and was disillusioned into believing that things had turned for the better. If only time can stop.

First day of school and I happily skipped it. Guess my heart has yet to settle down, but I promise all I need is a few more days. With that said, I will definitely turn up for classes starting from this Wednesday.

The past week had been an overwhelming week for me, or rather, emotional wrecking. Not a personal issue but it triggered a lot of thought in me, such that I started questioning the obvious and doubting the fact. If life could be as easy as one plus one, if only things could stay simple. If only.

요즘에 참 이상하게 돼었어요.

5 Centimeters Per Second recommended by Jiangyue some time ago (before I went Korea), and I laid on my bed watching it this afternoon. The equivalent heartache felt, so I don't know whether it's even wise to have watched it.

Makoto's film gives a realistic view of the struggles many face against: time, space, people, and love. The title 5 Centimeters Per Second comes from the speed at which cherry blossoms petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent of the slowness of life and how people often start together but slowly drift into their separate ways.


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