Musical: Ghost 고스트

Such an eye opener. My first musical, Joowon's Ghost.

And today's cast.

One complaint, why so many kiss scenes, joowon? I'm fuming in jealousy now. Hah but I'm so happy out of the 160 minutes, Joowon was on stage for 150 minutes! Just that he's cast in blue light since he's a ghost, so I'm almost watching an avatar joowon lol.

Apart from being charmed by joowon, the lighting effect, props moving, stage setting and layout, almost EVERYTHING amazed me. I was truly taken aback at how professional musicals could be, as expected, investments play such an important role in this area. They make 3G effect come true, I mean, Joowon was standing there as a person and then he literally walked through the door as a ghost! OMG. I thought I just watched a magic show.

It was a simply story (and luckily it was) so I could understand all the dialogues (lessons conducted in korean taken not in vain haha), nonetheless the delivery was so strong it shook me. The singing, daebak, was so live. The acting, I think I don't need to further explain this. I just feel that my krw81000 ($93) was so well spent, even thinking of watching it for the second time. Hah.

The only thing that frustrated me was, when I had the chance to take photos at the closing, I couldn't find my camera. RAHHHHHHHHHHHH MY JOOWONNNNNNN!!! Only managed to capture this at the start of the musical.

Totally infatuated with joowon now, my passion for him has leaped heaps and bounds lol.

Found some fanvideos (illegal filming of course lol), and also some scenes, but nothing beats live after comparing them with what I've seen personally in the theatre. Please catch some musicals when you're in korea, no regrets!

The common scene seen outside musical theatres: Sacks of rice donated by fans in the name of idol, haha. Apparently Joowon is the biggest winner. 200kg, 200kg, 500kg, 1 TONNE. LOL. Others only 1~2kg.

Ending with a song sang in the musical.


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