First Call Delivery + Night trip to Gyeongbokgoong

Weather in seoul, especially on the mountain where SNU is located, has taken a sharp plunge recently with the lowest temperature hitting single digit. Sigh. The wind is the merciless one I would say, cower in your jacket and self hypnotize it's not exactly that cold. Well, if this self inducing hypnosis ever works.

Biggest achieve unlocked this week: Ordering my first delivery! Because there is just this need to coop myself up in the room to mug for midterms (and keep myself away from the cold), I summoned all my courage to call for food to be delivered to my place. Take a breath, dial, and "여보세요?" Muahahah then I successfully got my 짬짜면 (Jajjangmyeon+spicy seafood noodles) ordered! So proud of myself heh.

Down with one midterm! 끝이 아니지만 짜증난거 하나더 감소해서 되게 신났다! To celebrate this momentary happiness I visited Gyeongbokgoong today for the freaking third time, however this time round it was opened at night! Night view! Cool! Experience the royalty walk after dinner!

It turned out pretty stupid because only the main palace (assembly court) was opened to public, and had me roll my eyes literally. Money shouldn't be spent like this hello, even if it's cheap. *Disapproved look*

Ok skip, next topic. Anyway, it always pays to be nice haha! After several generous food treat to my roomie (sharing my milo, my buns, my cereal, my chips) unconsciously, she started issuing her food to me too. Cheesecake! Hershey chocolate! So this reminds me of a chinese saying which goes "a near neighbour is better than a distant relative". Bear 守望相助 in mind, it's never a hassle to build a good relationship with someone you're going to see everyday.

Oh by the way I'm playing the role of mosquito+flea killer here as well. Up to date record: 15 fleas and 10 mosquitoes. Just today alone I've murdered 4 mosquitoes, and counting...

Waiting for dawn to come because I'm heading to Gangwon-do to climb Seoraksan later. Hope I can bear the cold, 5 degree. Hmm.


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