Start of a New Chapter: Day 1 in Korea

Treading on the clouds and witnessing the glowing sunlight seeping through these fluffy candy floss. Well, I'm back on air again!

After a week's worth of farewell dinners and meetups with lovely peeps (the maos, pok, yvonne, janice and lingzhuo), my cute little tutees' styles of bidding farewell, endless showering of love from mommy, daddy, kangki and sis and relatives, off I embark on the SEP journey to Korea, finally!

The flight wasn't bad except for the hazardous snoring of a man behind us, which transformed this quiet zone into a soloman performance full of teeth gritting audience. Other than that, all are smooth as we lugged our luggage to a guest house at Hongdae, called Seoul Wise. Fantastic place and definitely valued for the price!

Had our first meal in a cozy eatery and well, I guess it's a must-picture time so I whipped out my camera to take a few shots.

Lazed around in a coffee shop (ok, apparently it has a more atas name which I couldn't remember... Coffee Comma?) because the weather was crazily hot and we had been sweating crazily from all the walking around to settle our bank and phone stuff, and I ordered hot chocolate. Why hot? Because I like. Mmmmmssss *enjoying life* The theme for this cafe is obviously based on books, coz you see these big shelves as soon as you set foot into the cafe. Reminded of Secret garden Joowon's house?

Me and my hot chocolate. Alright I think I looked shagged, yes don't doubt, coz I am.

Returned to wash up and immediately I am refreshed and once more jumping alive - time to eat again! Hopped out with Patricia and we're off to eat dinner at this little family restaurant, menu: cheese ramen, egg kimbab and meat dumplings. Drools.

When I scrolled through this post I realised it's all about food. Hah. Conclusion of day 1: FOOD DAY! Alright I did other stuff too, such as facetiming narcissistic pokie and also crying to the HarryPotterDeathlyHallowPart2-Snape-Die-Scene (Bed time movie with pat and peiqi). What's installed for tomorrow? Check out the next update! *Dropping dead to bed*


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