An Arashian's Midnight Troubles

Coming back home at 9.30pm after giving tuition, only to be flabbergasted by this news circling in facebook. Heart has been thudding fast since then.

Wait. What?!!!! NO WAYYYYYYY!!!!

Nothing could describe the turbulence storming through my heart right now. Yes, I am definitely exhilarated that Sho's coming to Singapore for the second time, but invite-only event? I rather you don't come then, hmphs. WHY!

This dilemma I face whenever my idols (note*: arashi only) has any possibility of coming. Honestly speaking, no matter how many times I proclaim my desire to see them, I cannot imagine myself seeing them in person. This might sound crazy but the fact that Arashi has become so sacred to me is becoming the very factor that is stopping me from seeing them - the fear that image will be ruined, dreams be shattered. Yet the encounter with Sho's filming last june (27 Jun 2012 I remember!) has proven their worth for me to love. I could never forget the moment I see Sho - the time, the world, everything seemed to have frozen. Till date, the memory remains afresh, and so does Sho's face. I am definitely not missing this chance to glimpse at Sho-kun again! Regardless of how tired my legs will be from tiptoeing, or painful the neck will be from stretching, I'm all geared up to chargeeeeeeeeee.

And I'm so DAMN JEALOUS of whoever's being invited. Why aint I a member of the press or something, or know any of the invited guests. Sob. See, that's the vast difference between being a commoner and being the rich and powerful. Yes, sounding sour, and I admit it.

Cross my fingers and pray hard that I'll get to see our dearest sho-chan. Pray pray pray pray to whichever god there are.....


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