Boss' Treat + Visa Application at Korean Embassy

Was treated to lunch at Old Town White Coffee by boss and I sat through a meal with topics revolving around office politics. It would've been more interesting if I know the different political parties/ people they are talking about, nonetheless I was still deeply engaged in listening since I'm an ultimate kaypo. And now I finally understand why my boss' lunch time can stretch till 2 hours - queue, eat, more after snack, slowly strolling back with gang. Haha.

Made my visa at the korean embassy on tuesday, and going for the collection tomorrow. It became understandable why the opening hours are limited to only 2.5 hours - every case takes some while and essentially the staff work past 12, so they have to stop people from streaming in case they couldn't finish on time. Got my queue no 72 when I reached at 11am (after much struggle), sat down and glued to the HD TV playing the movie The Tower (by Son Yejin) and in fact I was pretty relieved the waiting time was long so that I could watch the show. BUT then just when it was at the climax (at 12pm), my number was called so I could only glance at the tv ruefully while having my application done at the counter. Sigh. What happened in the end? No idea. I need to google the movie some day to wrap it up.


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