終極三國 K.O.3anguo Episode 53 (Finale)

I'm starting to miss the show already.

Looking back, so much has happened. What started off with merely Guanyu and Zhangfei looking for a school to study in, then the sworn vow made, followed by the switch of Liubei, then the forming of Five Tigers led by Liubei, after that President Caocao joining the clique, then love lines for Guanyu, Liubei, Xiaoqiao... And the focus shifting from Donghan Academy to Jiangdong Academy, from Dongzhuo to Sunjian. So much has happened, and yes, I have stuck through it. The laughter it brings to me is beyond words, no matter how much my day sucks, it'll never fail to cheer me up. Yes, a drama that is definitely adored by me.

Finale was so intense, but also in a sense very budget haha. I can imagine the filming location to be in an empty warehouse (to contain the fight), and also a stage when they were transported into another eerie dimension. I actually pitied Sunquan in this episode (finally), at the end of the day he is left alone with no family or loved one by his side. Hope some spark can work out between him and Caocao, I don't know but they seem to be great frenemies.

The ending is expectedly sweet, but a subtle dose of melancholy is added such that everyone eventually goes on separate ways. Zhaoyun embarks on his solo journey to travel the world (and being reassured that his beauty charm still works), Zhangfei continues his legacy to be the dirty-rich tycoon (by playing stocks haha), MaChao and HuangZhong prove their BLING BLING friendship by opening a surfing shop by the beach together (in their sexy surfer suit ohgosh), Guanyu stays in Liucheng county to wait for Diaochan's return (did she turn up? what do you think?), lastly Xiu and Shangxiang happily enjoy their two-person world in Tie Dimension. So nice, so contenting.

I've grown to love the punch sound effects every time the guys greet each other, and the rubbishy gibberish by MaChao at wrong timings, as well as the 精忠报国 big talks by these patriotic chaps. More importantly, thanks to the show I have finally memorised the names and important events happening in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and even chimo phrases like 魑魅魍魉(chī mèi wǎng liǎng) and 火炎焱燚(huǒ yán yàn yì). A fruitful learning journey integrated into drama watching, who says dramas are junks?

NOOOOOO I miss ya guys, healing heart with ost. Did I mention I've been listening to the same ost daily for the past 2-3 months? Mastered all songs in the ost except this, super epic.


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