Followed my curiosity to the open area outside my office, and I was greeted by an awfully stunning view of the Novena's landscape. No cluttering buildings, noisy crowds, or honking vehicles - the magnificence of the scenery kept everything so tranquil. Guess I've found my favourite place for some breather.

The view from toilet! It's not those cubicle type, but a very personal one equipped with everything!

Second day of job has ended and I would say I'm growing fonder of it. My boss' working style is cool, flexible and very similar to mine. We are less nitty gritty on rules regarding time, like when to come in, have lunch etc etc, in fact on my first day she told me, "I'm not particular about time... you need not come on the dot... just sms me if you're gonna be late, say 15min". Yea, telling me on my first day that I can be late in future. " You can go for lunch anytime... I understand that peak hours...." That hits the bull's eye. Exactly! I always don't understand why company rules are fixated on having lunch hours strictly at 12pm, not everyone gets hungry at that time! And why squeeze together when the crowd could have been dispatched at different timings? Alright, and she says I don't have to stick to 1 hour lunch break, ++ also no problem. Then she keeps asking me to take breaks, and offers me cup noodles to eat, even telling me all her food stock that includes milos! Haah the one which I couldn't resist. And she told me I could listen to music while doing work if I want, coz she sometimes does the same thing too... Well, ain't these all my style of working? I don't care how you want to work, as long as you can work results out. And I can print stuff, surf internet all I want. My conclusion is: A boss who previously worked in a MNC with an American boss 果然不一样.

Met up for the first time with peeps who are also going to SNU over dinner, interesting dynamics hmm hmm. I wonder how things will turn out when we go Korea. Everyone plans to visit places together, an idea I don't know whether I'm keen or not. Well, let's just wait and see.


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