
The hard earned 0.06 increment last semester is dashed by a 0.07 drop this semester. 2 B+, 2 B, and 1 B-. Looks like I can't get out from the 1 B- per semester fate, it'd been stubbornly stuck to me since year 1. What's expected worst came out to be the worst but unexpectedly bad. What's thought could have been better came out average. What's thought to be ambiguous turned out to be my best, aka Korean4. What's wrong with this world.

The same cap achieved in year 1 semester 2, which happened to be my worst cap. 3.6. Now the accumulative cap dropped to its first lowest - 3.82. I feel so lost, and it's back to the self-questioning of whether I'm doing it right. Whether I should continue my style of pursuing knowledge, interest, or marks. Whether I should allow the numbers judge my abilities, or work harder in other areas to prove my worth. Is CNM really my thing, or my strength lies in other things? I need an answer to convince myself I'm on the right track, but where do I find it?

It's just so frustrating. And i need time to get over it.


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