Queen Inhyun's Man Finale

It's all out determined to grab the entire storage of tears we have for life. Besides agonizing the hearts and making me weep uncontrollably for a full 45 minutes out of an hour episode nonstop, the poignance has been so suffocating that it left me breathless in my tears, all heartbroken and miserable.

The finale opens up to Boongdo leading a fugitive life, deeply scarred in memories and living as if there's no tomorrow. His dreams' shattered, his love's forgotten, he becomes a man with broken wings, struggling to fight for his last breath with the remaining memories he holds in his heart. But when circumstances force him to eventually give up hopes to live, that nailed me right in the crux of ultimate agony. I couldn't decide which part I cried the hardest, whether if it's Heejin forgetting Boongdo while he remembers, or the intersecting paths at the palace where their soul/physical self overlaps each other's. Or the despair Boongdo experiences in the cell as he finally resorts to suicide, thus changing the original purpose of the necktie's existence.

I love how Boongdo's life is eventually saved by Heejin's call instead of the talisman. Their love no longer has to build on the talisman, which has been a major concern to developing the relationship further. Now that the talisman is gone, it goes to show the power of their love that crosses through dimensions in times of need, in this case pulling Boongdo away from death. 'Live upon death' has been given a new interpretation, it'll be Heejin who'd be the savior to Boongdo from now onwards, and so living happily ever after will not be an impossible dream as we see Boongdo being warped to the modern world, all ready to start life afresh - with his dream, name, and love waiting for him.

By the way I'm just curious if Boongdo IS selling his sword for the third time, it'll be pretty funny and I bet he is going to fetch a even higher price for that treasure. Then again, he doesn't have anything with him except his phone when he got teleported, so too bad.


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