Finalised copy! I could say it's the best timetable (apart from no free day) out of all I've had for the past semesters.

First week breezed past unknowingly, and here we are, it's week 2 already (Oh man!). For the first week I failed to attend 2 out of 5 lectures, late for the remaining lectures and have piled the readings (yes, tons already) before I know it. Struggling to finish them now, because week 2's readings are finding their way here (urrrgghss shoo). Although I'm mentally prepared this semester's modules workload is 장난아니야, I can't help but suffer huge blows again upon introduced to the module during the first lessons. Doubt I'll be barely alive by midterms...

Amid the sadness of dealing with a new term, I downloaded Takuya Kimura's Priceless to watch during my free time and wooow I'm at the last episode already! His shows are generally nice to watch (Mr Brain being my favourite), and Priceless is no exception. However you can really see him age, like the wrinkles and everything, but it is not denying me from loving himmmm!!! Hahha.


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