DEFINITELY not a nitty gritty stuff.

I sometimes wonder why I can be so anal about transport fare. If we look back on my daily expenses, take for example the food, clothes, entertainment I spent on, I honestly think I'm a splurging freak. Especially for food, I spent a minimum of ten bucks per day buying snacks alone. So WHY, did I walk home just now just to save a damn 73 cents? *note: 30minutes speed walking

Upon self reflection, I guess it all boils down to satisfaction. You know, instant satisfaction. If you eat, you feel happy. If you buy pretty clothes, you feel happy. If you are willing to spend a great deal of 20 bucks just to sing in Kbox, it's also because it makes you happy. People (like me) don't mind paying if things make them happy. Tapping your ezlink card and still getting stuck on a crawling train/bus DEFINITELY doesn't make you a happy soul, it only contributes to boiling your blood and instigating you to scold a chunk of curse (of course, internally). Which essentially explains the reason why I can be so stubborn when it comes to paying extra cents for lousy transport service. And bringing back to my previous point, travelling from places to places is a necessity, which obviously does not play a part in invoking happy emotions. So, why pay more when it can be capped at a certain price? It's not as if paying more can generate better results, you are going to end up at the same place same time and with the same sardine packed cabins. Might as  well accumulate the save and buy myself a nice hot drink on rainy days, isn't it?

Whether I like it or not, there are inevitably more expenses to manage in future, so if I don't start to scrimp and save for certain things now, I think I'll turn into a poor bloke lingering in streets sooner or later.

In short, save what could be saved, spend what should be spent. Yes, this is my motto.


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