How can I forget this day.

It was all this last minute (a fb talk with an arashi friend this afternoon), but determination pushed me to try my luck at raffles hotel, where Sho was rumored to be appearing. I reached at 3.30pm, asked around the location of the hotel which doesnt look like a hotel, found it, and got lost in it. And this in fact, turned out to be the best thing ever.

I was on the second floor circling around the shops and trying to find my arashi friends when I reached this U-shaped passageway. Actually I got suspicious that I'm nearing the filming location because I saw 2 guys standing at one corner of the u-shape and they were speaking in japanese. I think I tried acting lost (anw I'm really lost) and they let me pass without stopping me, which made me the luckiest person on earth because I landed in the restricted area they have barried off from the public. Was wondering where I was so I took a breather and looked out from the second floor, saw this big patch of grass (it's the lawn apparently!) and the pavillion. Next second, my breath stopped.

1second: who was that.
1.2s: is that sho?
1.4s: the hair... the butler suit...
1.5s: omg, it's sho.

He was this life size standing below me, practising his script and had an assistant attending to him. He didnt look up, I guess he was looking at his script. Now that I think back, why he appeared large was because, he's not exactly a storey below me but half a storey away, coz the pavillion was elevated to a greater height, thus making him closer. I cannot really describe my feeling, he was one of the people I had wanted to see so so so much for the past 6 years, and here he was in front of me. I didnt scream as I have promised myself, I didnt faint, I didnt.... In fact my mind went blank, repeatedly telling me that's sho over there and disbelief continuing to engulf the entire me. I could only say I'm stunned, speechless, and felt as if I'm the happiest person on earth. It's real, not a dream. I will never forget the image, it will stay as a photo in my memory forever.

Later part of the day we found a corner to see a thumbnail size sho's head shooting his scene while sitted, with two more highlights of the day: 1- sho standing up and coming nearer towards us, expanding in size and hence we manage to see a 3/4 body and up bigger size sho. 2- he did shuffling dance HAHAHA! SO SO SO CUTE!!! But all these excitements did not come as great as the one I had at the 2nd storey, because that felt very real. He isnt a person seen through the monitor screen (which I still had that feeling when I'm seeing the thumbnail size sho or shuffling dance sho), but a real life size sho smacked right in front of me. The reason I felt this lucky was also because, you're not supposed to see anything on the second floor since all shooting activites happened in the center of the pavillion, and obviously you cant see the center from the top especially when the pavillion is near. BUT, because sho happened to come to the side AND the pavillion is near, that's why I could see him!! AND AND AND he is facing MY direction and though looking down (not down all the time coz he raised his head back to normal level), I can still see his face and everything, front view front view!!! I SHOULD HAVE SHOUTED SHOOOOO!!!!! Then he'll look up haha! Regretted that I kept my cool, acks!

And this is the first time I experience no pain, no hunger, no tiredness from eating nothing for the whole day (dinner was my first meal), tiptoeing for 3 hours straight. The power of love, this is it. I LOVE YOU SHOOOOOOOO!!!!! And please don't come back to singapore again!! I cannot imagine a second stalking session.


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