Shut Up Flower Boy Band. Just when I am growing on one of the 'supposed lead', he died at ep3. So, dramawiki-ed and realised he's not the lead. Aishhh. Cool and fast paced show, as expected from the 'Flowers' series. Growing addictive, hmph hmph.

Reached polyclinic as early as 8am but because of the efficiency of our governmental institution, I camped in the poly clinic till 12pm simply to replenish my last visit's stock. It reminded me of my nm readings, how inefficient things can turn out to be because of rules and regulations. Mainly because without the doctor's say, I cant get it at the pharmacy when I am absolutely certain he/she is going to prescribe me with the same thing after consultation. Meaningless, you see, it's all for show. And luckily, I brought my readings there, if not I can't imagine how sulky I will become.


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