Omona. Favourite show of this season has ended, post syndrome expected to act up soon. 보고싶다!

In fact I will be more than happy to see the series wrap up in 14 episodes instead of 15. The ending scene of ep14 actually brought tears to my eyes, once in a while we should have welcomed tragic endings huh. Though I will cry and swear at the production team for sure.

The last input of episode 15 ruined the show's momentum - what's with the fusion of 49 Days (appearance of spirit Dad constantly, or the ghostly call of bongsun for jaehee) and Secret Garden (rose petals falling nonstop on the couple), and how do you explain the sudden change of Big Villain for the good? Reason is transparent, they are rushing for an ending, which unfortunately is carelessly done. If not for the wonderful cast, I am chucking the bullcock finale into the rubbish chute straightaway. Don't be silly, trapped on the rooftop? You know I won't mind using a little of my brain cells to come up with something like throwing things down to attract attention. It's not like you are trapped in an underground cave, that's a different story altogether.

But I am not denying the sweet moments spent together by BongSun and JaeHee, I enjoyed much and am willing to suffocate in this happiness again and again. Getting jealous over the poster Pink Chicken has just earned hundred marks for JaeHee's cuteness, yes we know you care. We care too, for the fate of that poor real celebrity (kikwang).

Oh yes, covering her up in your jacket is sweet, but may I suggest that asking for more blankets from the hospital (furthermore it's the first class ward) will be even more helpful for her to regain warmth? Episode 15 is really the killer, in the bad sense. I'm not the kind who pick flaws out easily, but this episode is completely a piece of cake. What a pity to let Me Too Flower end this way, imperfection in perfection. Still, a drama highly recommended over others I've recently watched. Find yourself fall in love with both the male (for his charms) and female (for her coolness) leads. Glass held high, cheers for the jaehee-bongsun unforgettable romance, another Secret Garden standard drama.


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