Blacking out from all the tuitions and any other activities... School is haunting me as well. Imagine a daily 8am waking time, plus three days of 6am... Kill me for goodness sake. Till the point my body is breaking down. EAT SHIT!

Visited the richer relatives yesterday and I assumed bucks were rolling in last night, but it didnt really matter since all go back to mommy's pocket (output = input = neutralized). They said I become prettier too. Ok I will take all compliments, whatever you are going to throw at me.

Yesterday was a day full of 感慨. Subconsciously did a few comparisons between rich and poor kids, and my conclusion was rich families breed talented kids while poor families struggle to unleash the potential of a similarly talented kid. The rich will associate with a circle of the rich to push their kid even higher, richer and powerful, while the poor stays oblivious to the ongoing conspiracy and hopes for the impossible. They are already on different starting line, how will the race ever be fair. Meritocracy, tsk, what a joke.


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