Everyone (which means to say, Cheryl, Sister, Pok and Mr Kenny) advises me to S/U my Singapore Society. Definitely, it's happier to see the CAPS mounting higher, but still, there goes the first class honours dream. Read from reviews that exposure-1000 modules are supposed to be breeze-taking modules that are easy to score, however from the look of this, I am worrying for my future semesters. It's the first semester only, but it's feeling hell right now.

Strings of work begins once results are released: mourn over results with cheryl lim, check what modules to take next, confirm what should be confirmed, decide what route I'm going to walk further etc. I never know if the next modules are suitable for me, and as for why I'm taking a toil over all these troubles, shrugs, dont ask me. I never know why I'm doing all these for. Well, a standard answer - For the uncertain future.


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