Wow. Nikishido and yamapi left News, this is really news to me. Yamapi is somehow expected (since the group was only formed because of him and he comes and goes as and when he likes), but ryo? I will agree that sticking to kanjani8 is so much safer, but poor News with the remaining four members. Even pity those fans who feebly argue that tegomas is popular enough to prevent the collapse of news. Sa~ Not to say two years, News might not even live to release another single for the next n years. Perhaps arashi is really the sole miracle. Mr Johnny, get a grip and cultivate more quality talents please.

Cute satoshi's images lure me into tumblr, hence I've created an account. But it's not very user friendly I will say, don't know how to follow the group that lures me in. Nevermind, I'll get in one day. Ok I am going to stop procrasting here and start writing my calligraphy.


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