The flu bug got me. Started with my ulcer, subsequently sore throat, than flu now, it takes less than 2 days for this chain effect to happen, sigh. I'm all ready for some feverish nights and panadols. Feel that my blood vessels in my eyes are bursting too, and my blisters hurt from the new shoes. WALAO, my body is collapsing.

Korean quiz got me today, too. I try not to think about it too much now, lest it reminds me how many wrongs I have made. Hope I can pull off as an average, not below please. I was rather shocked today to realise my korean lecturer actually knew my name, perhaps it's the serial position effect (that people tend to remember the first and the last thing and my name happened to be the first on the name list). On a side note, I confirmed she doesn't dislike/ostracize me haha. Yay. Korean tutor is sick like me too, but the class managed to keep the lesson lively per usual so it's good in some sense. I hate to think that this class may not be the same in future.

Cheryl showed me gleefully today that she created a Mao group. Checking it out now.


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