Cheryl and I were bold enough to try caramel milk tea (mine with additional pudding) after lesson. She managed to drink 1/5 of hers while me 2/5 before we were both knocked out. Imagine how hellish sweet it is, I am shivering at the thought of it now. Threw the whole cup away after a futile attempt to dilute the sweetness with extra amount of water. Cheryl said she's going to put hers into the fridge to see who's greedy enough to suffer. Evil right.

 Hmm hmm really don't know what to give for children's day gifts. Nvm, i'll get angrybird stuff. Yay, started on a new jdrama and it's niceeee! Don Quixote :D Gradually am addicted to it whooos~ it's also abt soul switching, but this time round between two men, lol.


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