I hate it when people touch my stuff without asking. What's more, when I'm right in front of you and you can't open your big fat mouth to ask. It's not the first time it happened, so don't blame me for pissing at you right now.

Sudden recall of what yannrong mentioned previously in camp, something called expectation management. Doing it for years doesn't mean I'm supposed to do it, hello. I'm not asking you to appreciate it, but don't demand me to do it when the big boy is no longer small now. He has hands and feet too, in case it slips off your mind.

And the last ridiculous thing. Calling me twice not to ask why I'm not at home, but to question me why I didnt do housework. I'm in the midst of tuition, didn't I tell u beforehand. I know you are tired, but, me too. What's wrong with everyone?!

I'm not pmsing. Like, really.


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