Back from camp! Well, you don't consider it as a camp anyway, it's CHALET. I'm not saying it's a bad thing either, since it fits perfectly well into my mild and slack style of life. But I really hate the mozzies, the bites ain't itchy, they have long evolved to being painful like bruises. Gosh, this spells how poisonous mozzies are at changi chalets.

Wanted to have an exciting post to relate how I spent my four days in camp, but like what I've said, if I were to think back about this camp, it leaves literally nothing but slack impression. Had fun gossiping though, and watching drunkards perform live family drama in front of me. Oh ya, pokers and monopoly deal! I learn to appreciate monopoly deal finally! Food was errrr, BBQ session was even errrr, haunted house was the errrrrst. I stone throughout while leading the way, my male partner was trying to laugh off his fear (&embarassment?) after he made noises I strongly label them as screamings. Told zhen we might make the imba-est pair if we were to go together, complete silence throughout.

Anyway I just woke up from a seven hours nap to type this post. Dunno why, but being outside seriously drains every single bit of energy I have in me. Time for dramas catchup! :)


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