daesung involved in a fatal accident?! well in my opinion, no accident is ever fatal compared to kyuhyun's. that was mega.

looked through NUS SEP thing, since it's a must to go to selected countries if u take up their respective language courses, I shall give LPP a miss. anyway they say you can still learn languages by bidding modules, so why not. sigh for one second I hate being poor. well for next second onwards, at least I'm well fed and clothed. banzai~ :>

helped out at mom's stall today, I swear I almost died. it is this kind of days when Im awed by my mom's ability to persevere and do things, it gets me to appreciate what a fantastic mom I have here. dad's sick but goes to work per norm, which makes me really want to work now instead of nua-ing at home.

sidenote: dbsk ichiban changed to weirdo yoonchun. haa!


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