Sent out too many resumes lol. Everyone is calling back, i think my phone bill will explode. In the end i heck all the missed calls, how ironic when i dont even have a job yet.

Just some video updates! Waiting painfully for runningman ep15 eng subbed to be released, meanwhile downloading ms by parts and then also(!), watched nodame movie today. Apparently it's being split into two parts like harrypotter movie, i find the first part alright and concluded that it is there to build the climax for part 2. ok, like how mr voldymort held the elder wand high and luminate sparks into the sky, yes for the sake of climax.

Single princesses and blind dates, jimmy lin's latest work. I find it disappointing at the beginning, was wondering why he picked such a lousy script. But as the show progresses (salute to my perseverance!), it's getting interesting. HAHA i'm shallow, but what to do, jimmy's there.

Ok maplestory succeeds. Entering the mapleworld now.


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