Partly because of the critcism about necklines hangeng has for the previous picture (linzhen and jiangyue =.=), i have the itch to change my banner again! Was overwhelmed with emotions while listening to coagulation and doing the design, so it turns out rather... somber? Sometimes i feel so contradicting, as much as i wish hangeng to remain with the group, i want him to go back to his hometown and do things that make him more comfortable and happier. Seriously i think it's the videos that are the culprit. The mindsets automatically switch between themselves while i watched past and present videos of hangeng, that spells trouble, since it merely makes me undergo redundant internal struggles and the vicious cycle continues.

When bonamana mv was played during ny chinese drama's performance, the feeling that hangeng is really no longer among them felt stronger. A truth hard to accept, but it is a truth to accept. Even if i did stupidly hope for hangeng's face to flash once in the mv.


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