hey hey, this is definitely a false analogy. superjunior aint better than ss501 (though im not crazy over ss501). thought ss501 is more presentable in some sense. well, whatever.

ahhh. math lecture test, horrible. i can see the state i am in now: dead for promos. as what lots were saying, this lecture test is the easiest among all other lec tests we had, hmm so what does this show? it SHOWS that im not cut out to be a math student, or to be more precise, a science student (judgin from the number of times i failed for my chemistry. well, im not taking physics and bio anw). hmm thinking back, im also not talented as a gp student. csc too. basically, i think my cll is also at the 瓶颈 liao. all in all, time for me to quit my student job. SIAN, if only i can stone my life throughout without any worries. eat and sleep will be my life motto then.

felt happy this morning =) it'd really been a long time since everyone sits tgt, though merely for fifteen min i guess, somemore with the anxious atmosphere of the upcoming math test. i got the back-in-nygh-feel, so ppl LET'S SIT TOGETHER MORE OFTEN IN THE MORNING! really make my day bright from the start XD, OKKK stop getting touched by my words, well i know ya are, stop denying.

ooh on the bus back home, got this high sch guy helped a ny girl pick her wallet before gettin off 852, yet pathetic him was oblivious that he left his shoebag on the bus. before we can even call him, the bus zoomed off. so ya, think how we could react, by the way it's pok and me and some other passengers. ok decided that (we were thinking of reporting it to high sch) we surrender it to bus interchange, hope the person thought of gg to interchange to ask since he alighted ard khatib. we were then saying 好心有好报 and 好心没好报, i think the guy experienced both. 没好报= help ppl pick wallet and in the end losin self's thing; 有好报= helping others and hence nice ppl (like us) helpin him. conclusion: we should strive to help others!


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